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Puffle party 2018

Wow, the staff really outdone themselves for this party. Every room they decorated looks really amazing. The sliver looks so smug and...

March Furniture Catalo Secrets

The first two furniture secrets were also available in the earlier catalogs. Click on the green chair to obtain it. Also do the same for...

Copy of Balloon Pin

The balloon pin was released on March 19 on 2018. Pins are always updated weekly unless there is a special event. The pin can be found in...

Hidden lake key

To find the key is pretty easy. You will have to play puffle rescue with the black puffle. It's on the very first level. When you get the...

Rockhopper's Key

To get the key, go to the second story of the coffee shop. Click on the Tales and Stories. You will find many great books that I...

Dojo Catalog Secrets

The dojo catalog only has three secrets available. They are found on the leaves. Clicking on the upper left leaf will reward you with...

Mall catalog secrets

You will get a grass skirt when you click on the fern fuzz. Dancing with the grass skirt will make you do the hula. Just like Timon when...

Old Client VS New Client

Club penguin online offers both old and new versions of club penguin. The old CP is 2008-2010 CP and the new CP is 2013-above. There are...

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